понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Friends want to be there for their friends.

However, people who are psychologically healthy, know itapos;s best to keep themselves surrounded in a positive group of people.

Yet friends still say, "why didnapos;t they say they were feeling so bad?".

Because we all really do want to be there, by spiritual, moral, nature.

Yet, if progress isnapos;t being made, or if 100 steps back happens, we, out of self-preservation, sever the relationship.


To tell, or not to tell?

That, is the question.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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After my father left us, he didnapos;t quite stay gone.� He and my mother would get together, get drunk, and fight.�� Iapos;m not saying there was no love between them; there was too much of that, but she came home flushed and excited after a night of brawling, and wore her bruises with a sick pride.� They couldnapos;t keep their hands off of each other, literally.� Eventually, BG had to intervene.� My mother and us kids were sent to live in a safe house, a place where my mother could be rehabilitated, and where Jody and I could learn function, instead of dysfunction.� It was a program my mother�was committed to for �a 3 month stay. (..and I donapos;t mean committed as in she really believed it would do her some good..there was the threat that we would be taken away from her)� The funny part is that this "safe house" was only a couple of streets up from our old apartment, so my father "visited" often.� I would find her, face pressed to the window screen, talking to him as he hid in the bushes.� After a couple of weeks, she decided to make a break for it.� There was a curfew at the house, so the doors and windows would be locked after a certain hour.� I donapos;t know if it was the lure of my father and his promises, or the need for liquor that drew her, but she broke out a window, and we were on the run� Straight back to the old apartment... (I never said she was that smart)� where, of course, the first thing they did was get drunk and beat on each other.� (oh, she liked to participate in the action, too)� This time my father was sent to jail, his first of many visits to the big house, and we were moved to another apartment (you guessed it) just a couple of blocks past the old safe house...(I need to figure out how to draw a map here, so you can get the whole absurdity of these apos;movesapos;, especially in relation to my grandmothersapos; houses).� My mother put up a good front, working at a grocery store during the day, and taking care of us at night, only she never actually came home til after we were asleep...sheapos;d stop in after work, and feed us, but then sheapos;d be off to whatever bar was open.� One night, while she was gone (which is not a foregone conclusion as we could have done this with her in the next room, with her none the wiser..) Jody and I decided to have a barbeque.� We lived on the second floor, and there was a balcony outside our bedroom window, so we pulled one of our twin mattresses out there and lit it on fire..the bedsprings cooked hot dogs as well as any grill would.� But the fire spread (surprisingly..) and soon the whole front of the house was in flames.� Jody and I ran out the back door, and went for a sleepover at BGapos;s. When we got there, we just told her that our mother was out, and that we were scared, so we came to stay with her.� She tucked us into our lawn chair beds (thatapos;s what we slept on when we were over..so comfy) and didnapos;t find out until the next morning what we had really done.� Surprisingly, it was my mother who was punished for leaving us unattended, and my BG who had to pay out a lot of money.� We were, after all, only kids.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I did feel sad yesterday and today as well for a short while.�� And my ex wrote me an email too.� I guess i will respond.� Tomorrow maybe.��

However, i did go on my first date today.� My friend Travis from Sac, recommended a dating website to me.� And within the first 24 hours of setting it up, i had like 10 messages from guys trying to meet me, chatted with three of them, and was asked out by one.� I�agreed to the date as long as it was in a public place and i brought Travis, who is in town for the week.��

We ended up going to Belo, which was pretty lame as i expected.� But Joe, my date, was pretty cool.� I�donapos;t think that i am interested in him romantically, but he seems like an interesting person.� I would like to get to know him as a friend.� I think.� How do i know?� Can you tell with this little interaction?� How important are first impressions?� I�am still trying to figure all of this stuff out.� How important is attraction?� He is a little short.� Maybe that is holding me back.� I think that i am more superficial than i admit, but i think most people are that way.� Buti did sort of date a couple of guys that were shorter than me, but they did have really attractive faces.

I�think that being sort of pretty is kind of a curse.� I have a theory about social interactions and i donapos;t know if it is true, but is what i am thinking right now.� I�think that the category of people that one is attracted too based on our social status.� Ideally, two people from the same social staus match up with each other and usually people are attracted to people with equal or higher in social status, but not lower.� Usually it is a ladder system.� And when starting in the world of dating, one first aims for the people at the top of that ladder. That is the people that most people are attracted too.� And if they are unsucesful at attaining that person then they move down the ladder until they reach a level that is attainable for them.� And now, i know that i am not the prettiest girl in the world, but I�do hold a position probably around the second tier fo the ladder and that means that i have access to about 80-90 of men.� But is seems like most guys my age in this tier are jerks and are still trying to attain higher.� And most guys in lower tiers are more decent guys.� Girls that get theses lower tiered men end up in better relationshps.� But because i am in this upper tier, i am not attracted to all of these great guys and miss out on wonderful opportunities.� But what do i do?� Is attraction not that important?� But how do youmake babies if you are not attracted to that guy?� What am i suppose to do?

My dad just complained about my dogs a minute ago.� They woke him up when i got home because they were running around.� Maybe i should ask MIchelle to not let them up stairs when i go out.� She has been doing that and now I am getting in trouble for it.� It is frustrating living here.� I wish i could move out.

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arch bovine

Just sitting at work on my break. I was hoping to take my break and talk to carly for a couple minutes.

I guess ill call later tonight.

So my mananger said we have skull candy headphones in Somewhere in these piles of stock :p

So Iapos;m guna find some and buy a pair 40 off baby I need my ipod back :( lol

So Iapos;m really hoping to see carly on sunday just for a couple hours, it would be nice to see her beautiful face and know she cares enough to see me lol. That and I need her to help me pay for swimming :p I hate asking for money I feel so badly.

But I promise to pay it all back, you know that what comes around will come again, money comes and goes and I will make it worth her while. Afterall, the payoff is huge <33

Anyway. Iapos;m so hungry, doctor said Iapos;m not allowed to eat for 12 hours, ugh I gotta take a blood and urine test to see if Iapos;m healthy.

I hope I donapos;t have diabetes.. But I seriously think I do..

I keep hoping Carly would walk into the store. I really wanna see her.. :(

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